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One place for all your interactions

Our services offer a complete integrated reporting solution that creates savings, streamlines systems and delights residents.

Smoother online services make for guaranteed channel shift

SocietyWorks’ citizen services for local authorities and the public sector make it easy for residents to submit reports or requests about a variety of issues, from potholes and missed bin collections to licence applications and FOI.

As extensive as our product suite is, there’s one thing all of our services have in common: the ability to seamlessly integrate with whichever backend systems you already have in place… and perhaps remove the need for those that aren’t working hard for you.

“We now get around 35% of Highways reports made online, as opposed to 20% before FixMyStreet was deployed.”

— James Green, Business Implementation Officer, B&NES District Council

A single front door for citizens, intelligent routing behind the scenes

Accessing and understanding different reporting processes can be confusing, not just for citizens, but for staff, too.

That’s why all of our services have been built to remove barriers to resident report-making and improve the user experience by allowing citizens to make and access all of their reports or requests in one place, while lessening the burden on your customer service teams through system integration with all of your existing workflows.

Accessible on any device, even on the go

Our services are responsively optimised to work seamlessly on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers, so citizens can make a report wherever and whenever suits them best.

For FixMyStreet Pro, our new mobile apps for iOS and Android now come with all features enabled across all devices – citizens can download these from the app or play stores, or simply install a web version of FixMyStreet direct on their home screen via

Minimise unnecessary reports

Something you’ll notice straight away about our services is our open and transparent approach to issue reporting.

With FixMyStreet Pro, we display all recent reports on the map, because it immediately cuts down on the need to make duplicate reports. Anyone can subscribe to an existing report to keep up to date on its progress, dramatically reducing the number of inbound calls and emails you’ll receive. We show people making a report when it looks like they’re about to report something that’s already in the system, saving your time and theirs. We also show planned road works by integrating with Street Manager, so if the road is going to be dug up in the next couple of weeks then you might not need to make that report after all.

WasteWorks allows you to define reporting windows, giving you control over when citizens can report missed bins. Automated updates and templated responses make it easier for you to manage citizens’ expectations and deliver a more transparent service, while internal dashboards and visual heat maps enable staff to track service levels and identify trends.

Citizen dashboard

Using more than one of our services? Your citizens will be able to see all of their reports together when they’re logged into the dashboard. The same goes for your staff; everything will be filed neatly within your CRM system of choice.

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