Help citizens make more accurate reports with integrated asset data and location-specific reporting.
Make maximum use of all of the asset data that you already have available by giving detailed extra information when making reports.
Display exact and up-to-date detail on all of your assets with FixMyStreet Pro, like streetlights or grit bins, on our friendly map-based interface, or designate time-frames within which reports can be made by citizens with WasteWorks, such as those about missed bin collections.
We can integrate into existing council asset registers and datasets; for instance, displaying streetlight locations on the map when residents select a lighting category, helping them to submit more accurate and detailed reports.
Allowing pinpoint accuracy ensures that each report indicates the exact location of the issue, or nearest property; all linked to UPRN data. This makes it easy for the citizen making the report, and ensures you’ll receive the most accurate information.
We support all common map services including Google, Bing and our favourite Open Street Map – match this with your own custom map tiles, and all integrated to your existing GIS systems.
You can customise our maps exactly as you need them, in full control of all of the detail on display to make them as useful as possible.
Don’t host your own map tiles? No problem; we can connect up to your server of choice via an API key.
Leverage already-published information in response to FOI requests with FOI Works to help reduce duplicate requests and provide a better user experience, or set structured reporting windows for citizens to report missed bin collections with WasteWorks.
Make use of our internal dashboards and heatmaps to help you track service levels and understand trends.
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