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How councils can bring increased fly-tipping costs under control with FixMyStreet Pro

Bring increased fly-tipping costs under control with FixMyStreet Pro

Fly-tipping is one of the most expensive problems councils face. And incidents are on the rise.

In 2020, as the pandemic limited places and times to dispose of rubbish, fly-tipping reports increased by 44% on the FixMyStreet website, where citizens across the UK can report a variety of local issues to the correct authority. FixMyStreet Pro can help councils bring the increased costs of dealing with fly-tipping under control.

According to new data from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), local authorities in England dealt with just under 1 million fly-tipping incidents for the 2019-20 financial year.

With councils largely relying on residents to spot and report fly-tipping incidents, how can you encourage continued vigilance while also saving money as more reports come in? More importantly, how can you better demonstrate to your residents that you’re acknowledging the growing issue and responding to it accordingly?

Get a better handle on fly-tipping reports with FixMyStreet Pro.

Designed by a team with over a decade’s worth of experience putting citizens at the heart of local authority services, FixMyStreet Pro makes the reporting and handling of street and environmental issues like fly-tipping much easier and, as a result, cheaper.

Councils adopting FixMyStreet Pro for their citizen reporting can:

  • Create savings of up to 98% per report through channel shift.
  • Reduce the volume of duplicate reports by displaying already reported issues and allowing citizens to subscribe to alerts.
  • Provide a simple and intuitive reporting experience for citizens that improves the accuracy of the data you receive.
  • Streamline your service delivery through intelligent integration with all of your backend management systems.
  • Close the feedback loop by seamlessly extracting status updates and completion photos to manage the expectations of citizens.
  • Instill confidence in residents that environmental issues are being tackled robustly by achieving greater openness and transparency.

To discover how FixMyStreet Pro could help you better manage and respond to issues like fly-tipping, potholes, street lighting and much more, book a one-to-one demo with one of the SocietyWorks team.

Image: Karl Bewick on Unsplash

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